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Monday, April 15, 2019

Seahawks DL says Weston Richburg cried during a game

Oh boy...

If you’ve followed the San Francisco 49ers long enough, you know the Seattle Seahawks love to get under the skin of players and fans. I don’t need to bring up the feud that started everything with Richard Sherman and the NFC Championship game and things spiraled from there. After Jim Harbaugh left, the rivalry started to simmer a bit and when Richard Sherman left it outright died. Well, this ought to bring things up a notch.

950 AM KJR, a Seattle sports station had Seahawks defensive lineman Quinton Jefferson on their Cliff and Puck show. Where it gets interesting is when Jefferson brought up the potential of defensive tackle Poona Ford. He referenced a game against the San Francisco 49ers and...well:

“I remember we were playing San Francisco, I hear the center, literally, like, crying because he couldn’t block ‘em [Poona Ford]. There was nothing he could do *laughs*. Poona was whooping him.”

The center is Weston Richburg.

I don’t know which game Jefferson is referencing, but the Athletic’s Michael Dugar did some digging and Richburg’s performance in both 2018 games wasn’t the greatest. Considering the time Richburg’s been in the league, it’s a bit odd he’d break down and cry after a bad day in 2018, but according to Jefferson, it happened.

Does it really matter? No. The Seahawks lost to the 49ers in 2018. A team that is picking second in the draft. That said, it’s still interesting hearing about the banter going on with the line and there’s some memories of a player breaking down because they couldn’t block a guy.

That is, of course, if it even happened.

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