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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Phinsider Question Of The Day-We Are Still A Family Edition (W/ Live Thread, General Discussion) 06/03/2020

Miami Dolphins Introduce Brian Flores Photo by Mark Brown/Getty Images

First off there will be no question tonight, just some thoughts that I needed to get out.

Well for those of you that were unaware of where I have been, I left the site. After 11 years of making dozens of friends on here, a few that I would now consider some of my closest and now lifelong friends, while dealing with some other personal things I allowed a single post and comments to really throw me off. But the good lesson I learned is that you should never make powerful assumptions or accusations of others without at least a clarification.

To those of you that wrote me or commented on Kevin taking down the post, every single person here needs to understand that we are left to make judgement calls on a site that serves as an open forum. There is no way that 100 percent of you will agree with every decision made but these decisions are not always easy to make. I cannot tell you how many times we have conferred with each other when an unusual situation pops up. That being said, anything Kevin does, or really any of us, I can assure you has been done in the best interest of the site. For a man who has led troops to war during multiple deployments I trust his judgement over most anyone.

Kevin is also a man who works a full time job and has a young son to raise and to also be able to keep up the site the way he does is flat out amazing to me. I see far too much criticism towards our staff honestly. These are people who have jobs and school and other things to do in their life and they work their a**es off to make sure that you are provided with the best content possible. I am not trying to go after any one person but it is disheartening when I see far less praise than criticism for the work that gets done on what I think is still the best Miami Dolphins site there is.

This is a time of great divisiveness in our country and people are losing their lives, their livelihoods, everything. I would like to see us get back to where we were at one point on this site, where everyone had everyone else’s back, even if they did not agree with them. It’s the reason that the no politics and religion rule is in effect. I have seen relationships develop here to the point where site members were reaching out to others that might have a problem be it personal, financial, whatever and help. Where else are you going to find that? Lets get back to being a family and not questioning everyone's motives with every comment you don’t agree with or most likely don’t understand the intent of.

Now lets get back to the live thread part. Feel free to use this thread to discuss whatever comes to mind so long as you stay within the perimeters of the sites rules. And as always discussion of our Miami Dolphins is encouraged.

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